Our deep understanding of tea tree oil and its therapeutic power flows from years of experience growing, harvesting and distilling the oil. Each step of the process has been adjusted and refined - from the careful selection of tea tree species, cultivation methods through to harvest at precisely the peak moment to deliver oil of the highest quality.
Over many years we have built and nurtured strong relationships with our farmers to refine and improve the quality of all of the tea tree oil used in our products.
Through these relationships we help to support our local community and ensure the tea tree oil we use is top quality and in peak condition.
We ensure that the end to end process delivers continuous improvement and is made sustainable through efficiencies gained throughout the entire supply chain. From the farming and distillation practices employed, through to the the quality testing, R&D, packaging, marketing and distribution.
With the benefits of Tea Tree Oil becoming widely recognised and scientifically demonstrated, Thursday Plantation has leveraged its expertise in nature’s oils to offer additional therapeutic grade oils and plant oil-based products to respond to the health needs of many families in Australia and around the world.